NewEnergy has a talented team of experts working hard every day to bring our customers the highest quality products. Some of these experts work diligently behind the scenes, in the lab, bringing the cutting edge technology our customers envision to life – these experts are inventive, intuitive folks that are also a pleasure to work with each and every day. Brian Krahe, Product Designer, is one of these people. He has worked with NewEnergy since 2015 where he began as an intern and was hired on full-time in 2016.  We asked Brian some questions to get to know him better and learn more about what he does day to day.

What do you like most about your job?
I love how much there is to learn at NewEnergy. Since we are a small and nimble team, we must all wear many hats. That also means we are consistently stepping out of our comfort zones, which has helped me to become comfortable taking on new tasks that I’ve never done before.

How would you describe your role with the team?
My primary focus at NewEnergy is creating 3D CAD models and mechanical drawings that are used to help manufacture our LED Module designs. I also assist in updating our website, keeping the archive server up and running, and helping with all things IT related when a fellow co-worker’s computer crashes!

How do you like to spend your time when you are not at the office?
I spend most of my time outside of the office writing and performing heavy metal music with my band Krosis. It has been such a positive creative outlet working with those guys and I am constantly finding ways of using that knowledge at NewEnergy. Playing in a band forced me to learn skills like Photoshop, social media marketing strategies, and video editing.
